Fact Systems™

Base Station / Command & Control Software


The base station is a command & control unit and is in radio communication with the systems. It receives the live data of all events (hits, neutralisations, number of shots fired, friendly fire, etc.) during a training session, makes them available and evaluates them. The data is displayed directly on the tablet and/or screen. The Base Station also enables a standard AAR (“after action review”) with individual evaluation of individuals and groups/formations.


The FACT range is fully functional even without a command & control unit.



Main features:

  • All event data is monitored and displayed live
  • Reporting of own and enemy hits/neutralisations
  • All events can be saved
  • Evaluation and logging of individuals, groups etc
  • Detailed and individual settings of personal equipment (“penetrating power” (calibre) and “body protection” (level))